4.9 (3,758 ratings)
Our SEO process is simple. Google goes through 3-4 major algorithm shifts a year but the main goal has always stayed consistent.
The process of SEO is to build your website properly through keywords, backlinks and content. It’s kind of like building a house.
You need to build out all the right elements for your website in order for Google to finally trust you and give you the #1 result.
The process starts out with an audit where we figure out what keywords you can target to drive traffic.
Our team will use a mixture of AI, Bots and capital to build your SEO. We’ll build your SEO as fast as possible.
The AI game has changed SEO forever. What use to take years can now be done in months. We’ll 20x your SEO output each month.
You’ll receive a weekly keyword report from us showing you how your keywords have improved month to month.
Imaging building your SEO like building a house.
If you want to build the best house as fast as possible – you’ll need to utilize every possible source of labor available.
Here’s an example of why our process works.
Over the course of 360 days – It would be an additional 3,600 of labor for FREE.
That’s how we can help you get the #1 spot.
Business is all about how much work you can do.
You start leveraging your time to get the task completed.
Later on – you start leveraging other people’s time or the system’s time.
With AI and SEO – you can now 10x your output without paying 10x the costs.
The top results in organic search gets 75% of all the clicks.
If you’re not in the top 3 results – you won’t get your desire traffic. This is why you need to scale your output with our AI system or you will fall behind to people who do.